Includes published books, articles on English and Italian language newspapers, magazines, web magazines, guidebooks, on line presentations for cultural associations, university groups. Audio guides, apps and enrichment talks on cruise ships
Part I Cruise Enrichment Lectures
European Lifestyle
Markets and shopping around the Mediterranean Italy’s Best Celebrations and Festivals • Europe’s Best House Museums -from Portugal to Greece
Italy’s top House Museums from North to South
Top discoveries in art and archeology for 2016/2017 /2018 • Foreign Artists and Archeologists in Central Italy • Painted Palazzi – a panorama of Italian palazzi with fresco cycles • A Fascination with old maps – curiosities, values, cartographic crime • Europe’s beautiful canal cities – St. Petersburg, Bruges, Venice
Italy, Sicily, Sardegna and other islands • Italy before the Romans-Who were the pleasure seeking Etruscans who taught the Romans about architecture, religion and good living? Discovering Etruscan sites near Rome: Tarquinia, Cerveteri, Vulci and Norchia
• Civitavecchia- exploring the historic city and environs, Raphael frescoes, Michelangelo’s fortress , the stories and secrets of Civitavecchia
Daily Life in central Italy with photos by John Ferro Sims
Living in a Castle- best castles to visit near Italian ports
Rome’s Hidden Corners and Courtyards- an eyewitness view of Rome, its fountains, sculptures, legends and myths. Discover the Eternal City’s secret places with author of “Eyewitness guide to Rome”
Foreign Connections in Central Italy-English, Irish, Polish and French in central Italy through the centuries
Venice- hidden corners and courtyards, difficulties and delights of everyday life, festivals, Carnival
Sicily- A Triangle of Treasures-An introduction to Sicily’s symbols, history, geography. Italy in the superlative, fusion of civilizations. Taormina’s fame; from the Greeks to the Film Festival
Palermo- A Layer Cake of Cultures – Tracing Palermo’s history through its architectural highlights tunnels built by Arabs, Norman palaces, catacombs, the Palatine Chapel and Monreale
1860 English Volunteers fighting with Garibaldi in Sicily during the Risorgimento
Coastal Paradise of the Sorrentine Peninsula- islands and archaeology, the Amalfi Coast, Capri, Ischia, famous foreigners
Pompeii and Herculaneum Rediscovered –the archeological history of two famous sites
Portofino and The Italian Riviera, beautiful villages from Cinqueterre to Portofino and Portovenere,famous families and foreigners
from the Doria family to the English owner of Castello Brown in Portofino, Shelley and the Gulf of Poets
Riviera Portals to Paradise: St. Tropez, Nice, Portofino, Portovenere
Italian Lifestyle and Cultural curiosities, family life from birth to death, inside information about daily life, superstitions, unique museums
Festivals Year Round – follow the annual cycle of festivals in Italy and how Italians enjoy holidays. Unusual festivals include The Wedding of the Trees, Santa Rosalia in Palermo, Santa Rosa and Santa Cristina near Civitavecchia
Saints and Sinners –a panorama of famous women who made history happen in Italy from Cleopatra to Paulina Borghese and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, noble women, painters, writers
The Extraordinary Bonapartes: Corsica and Elba , the family and its impact on Europe’s history
The Heart of Tuscany –Pisa, Livorno and Florence highlights , festivals, famous families , hidden charms, house museums
Spain, Portugal, Malta, Africa
Malta -an English island halfway between Italy and Africa: capers, Caravaggio, the Knights of St. John then and now, private house museums
An architectural guide to Barcelona – Gothic to Gaudi and beyond
The Spirit of Spain-Huelva and Seville, Easter week celebrations
The Pleasures of Palma- history, famous visitors and hidden corners of this island hideaway
Africa, Transatlantic
• Tempting Tangier -Highlights and History, museums, famous residents and how to visit the kasbah
Alexandria-Connecting Egypt with Rome -the ancient and modern city
The Awesome Azores – island paradise in mid-Atlantic
Gibraltar: The Key to the Mediterranean
Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro
Under the Lion’s Wings: the ports of Koper, Zadar and Kotor . From Venetian colonies to modern ports.
The Many Faces of Dubrovnik, ancient Ragusa
Along the Adriatic-Zadar, Kotor, Korcula and Koper a panorama of the Adriatic ports and islands: Pula, Sibenik, Hvar, Korcula, Split, Dubrovnik-customized according to itinerary
Ephesus, the other Eternal City, 4th largest of the Roman empire and the modern port of Kushadasi
Istanbul -Mosques, minarets and majolica- an introduction to Istanbul Landmarks , palaces and people of the city on two continents
Greece • Iconic Greece: Santorini and Athens, tips for visiting the city and its many museums,
Santorini & Mykonos- Life and landmarks of the islands, geology, history & daily life
Crete- the Great Island and former Venetian colony of Candia
Corfu-A cosmopolitan island refuge , literary and royal references
Rhodes- History and highlights of the island of the Knights
Santorini, Crete, Mykonos –Island crossroads
Dubrovnik, Ephesus, Santorini- and their connections to Italy over the centuries
The Greek, Etruscan and Roman worlds- connecting ancient civilizations•
Olympia (Katakalon)- Stories and Symbols from the ancient Olympic games to contemporary times.
Russia, Baltic countries and the Black Sea
• Three Ports-three different countries An Introduction to Trabzon (Turkey), Batumi (Georgia) and Sochi (Russia) with literary and historical references
The Crimean Riviera-highlights of Yalta, Sevastopol and Odessa with architectural, historical and military references
Nessebur, Bulgaria -Unesco Treasure and its Mediterranean connections
Copenhagen, Denmark –from Europe’s most ancient royalty to modern design
Daily Life in Soviet Russia during the Perestroika- a personal view with vintage photos (1980s)
Working for the Tsars –The Italian artists and architects who built St. Petersburg
Highlights of the Hermitage –behind the scenes, art and architecture
Artisans and Architecture- Contrasts in Tallin and St. Petersburg
Part II On line and Apps
Enrichment talks via ZOOM and Youtube during 2021-2023 Lockdown -watch on my Youtube channel
International Womens’ Association of Capetown, South Africa
“ Venice – hidden corners and courtyards “
“Exploring the Heart of Tuscany – cities and countryside”
“Italy’s Best House Museums -north to south”
University of Massachusetts, LIRA program, Lowell, USA,
“Early New Englanders in Italy “ Audio guides using Google maps, technology
“Stories and Secrets of Viterbo” audio guide using GPS technology
“Stories and Secrets of Civitavecchia” audioguide using GPS technology
Part III Print Media
May 2022 – “Irlandesi e inglesi nel Risorgimento”-11th book- publication of the Italian edition
Curatrice dei testi Maria Giovanna Fadiga Mercuri
– original English edition was published in 2011 second print run in 2022 -available also as ebook from Edizioni Archeoares or the author
2019 October Publication of second edition “Etruria storie e segreti” cover art by Michele Telari
ultimi copie /last copies available directly from author -cover art by Michele Telari copertina di Michele Telari
La Loggettamagazine in Italian published in Piansano (VT) Italy 1998-2024
134 primavera 2023 –Splendidi soffitti della Tuscia
135 estate 2023 I Legami tra la Corona inglese e Vetralla
136 autunno 2023 Itinerari nella Ceramica
137 inverno 2023-24 Itinerario tra fontane belle e alcune mute
138 primavera 2024 Donne pittrici nella Tuscia -Elizabeth Campbell e Olga Canonica Piatti
139 estate 2024 Il Triangolo Etrusco
140 autunno 2024 Torri di Tuscia
141 inverno 2024
133 Mestieri che scompaiano
132 I Suoni della Tuscia
131 Profumi antichi della Tuscia
130 Dolci…donne della Tuscia
129 La Rocca Ritrovata
128 L’araldica come brand di famiglia
127 Vetralla in Musica nel Giardino Segreto
125 Pittura e letteratura internazionale nella Tuscia-Justin Bradshaw e Linda Lappin
124 Tuscia internazionale al femminile
123 Carlo il postino di guerra e Carlino l’amico internato
122 Il Fascino delle radici -“casa musei nella Tuscia”
121 Dinastie d’arte ed artiginato
120 Etruschi a New York -una visita surreale al MET
mettiamo qualche foto perche sono 15 anni che scrivo su La Loggetta !
119 Le Madonne vestite-una tradizione antica
118 Le Pietre ci raccontano la storia
117 Dal “panonto” alle Stelle Michelein-per un turismo enogastronomico
116 autunno 2018 Il turismo internazionale chiama la Tuscia
115 – estate 2018 Dall’opera alla Fisica quantistica
114 – primavera 2018 I castelli di Giulio II fra Roma e la Tuscia
113 – inverno 2017/18 Alla scoperta delle cittadine “V“
108- autunno 2016 – Viaggiare in Tuscia dal diario cartaceo a quello virtuale e visuale
109-inverno 2016/17 –Nuove scoperte d’arte e storia a Vetralla
110-primavera 2017 – L’invasione dei piemontesi
111-estate 2017 – Grande successo del convegno “Fascinazione Etrusca”
112-autunno 2017 –Le piazze: il salotto buono
May 2017 Mary Jane Cryan 9th & 10th book publications about the Tuscia/Etruria area of Northern Lazio
The Painted Palazzo/Il Palazzo Dipinto in English and Italian texts – cover painting by Kelly Medford
special publication in both English and Italian “Exploring Vetralla – a walk through the historic center” -available directly from the author,
Luglio 2016 Per la rivista di Archeotuscia
“Ferento nei racconti e nei disegni di viaggiatori del passato”
Luglio 2016 – Sulla rivista La Loggetta “Scuole internazionali e turismo scolastico”
Summer/Estate 2015
Traduzione/ translation Castello di Proceno book (Cecilia Cecchini Bisonti)
Italian Notebook 2007-2014 web magazine
L’Unità d’Italia nell’occhio dell’Europa (3 volumes, 80 authors , 1,810 pages ) “Irlandesi e Inglesi nel Risorgimento “
Major study for the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification published by Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerche sul Viaggio in Italia,C.I.R.V.I: Moncalieri, May, 2013 Biblioteca del Viaggio in Italia – Studi no. 107