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11th publication -latest book presented in Viterbo, November 18,2021
The Italian edition of Dr. Cryan’s Risorgimento study was first published in 2011 “The Irish and English in Italy’s Risorgimento ”
ebook and paper copies available
OCTOBER 31, 2021 the author recieved a special prize from the town of Barbarano Romano “Il Senso di un paese”
with mayor and Gianfranco Pannone in Barbarano Romano
10th publication about Central Italy In Italiano
“Siamo lieti di annunciare che pressoché in contemporanea con questo numero della Loggetta è uscita la nuova edizione di un interessante libro della nostra collaboratrice Mary Jane Cryan, pubblicato la prima volta nel 2013 e da tempo esaurito: Etruria – Storie e segreti (Etruria Editions, Ed. Archeoares), che in questa nuova edizione è arricchito di nuove foto, cartine, ed elenchi di dimore storiche, palazzi, castelli.” La Loggetta
American-Irish writer and historian Mary Jane Cryan has been living in Italy since 1965. An international educator, researcher and writer, she has also been an official Vatican guide, Site Director and lecturer for Elderhostel and the creator of start-ups for numerous American universities, schools, writers’ and artists’ workshops.
Since 2008 Mary Jane has been an enrichment lecturer aboard luxury cruise ships plying the Mediterranean, Adriatic , Baltic and Black Seas.
Her byline appears regularly in scholarly Italian and English journals, best-selling guidebooks and Italian lifestyle magazines.
click here to see the full Bibliography 1978 to present.
While living in Moscow during the Perestroika (1987-90) she was on the staff of Moscow Magazine, the first Western style magazine published in the USSR.
The Central Italian area known as Etruria or Tuscia, between Rome and Tuscany has inspired her most recent publications. The area is still pristine in its beauty and traditions, unspoiled by mass tourism and well loved by cultured visitors and residents. The only thing lacking – hordes of tourists.
Etruria Editions’ books are researched, written, published and printed here in central Italy and copies are marketed and distributed all over the world from Etruria Editions’ headquarters located in an historic palazzo in central Italy.
Read reviews on the Books page and order directly from the website.
Besides the Tarquinia-Cardarelli prize and the City of Capranica prize for historical research, her cultural website has won several awards including “Narrare il Lazio” prize for the best website about the Lazio Region.
In 2010 she published Etruria-travel, history and itineraries in central Italy and, a few months later, a limited edition dedicated to 19th century Italian history, The Irish and English in Italy’s Risorgimento. See the BOOKS page for latest publications , where to buy, how to order.
Follow Mary Jane on social media: Facebook, Instagram for latest happenings in the arts and culture of central Italy.
Most travelers to Italy will have a copy of at least one guidebook Mary Jane helped to write in past decades: DK’s Eyewitness Guide to Rome, Fodor’s, Designer Bargains in Italy, or perhaps Buying a Home in Italy or Living and Working in Italy .
A full bibliography can be seen at this link:
– latest interview in Italian on TusciaUp ,
-Here is an older interview when “Travels to Tuscany and Northern Lazio” was published.7 pages on Inside the Vatican by Lucy Gordan, Mary Jane Cryan October 2004-01.
-Check out the latest interview on The Local website.