Tarquinia by Agostino Cecchini
Vetralla by Agostino Cecchini
Villa Lante by Agostino Cecchini


insider tips and travel information


special places to stay in Central Italy


the area’s history in selected books

Welcome to my website offering insider information on Italian lifestyle,  itineraries and insight into Italian history, art, antiques and  culture.

You will discover stories and curiosities gathered  during  60  years  of  life in Rome and  central Italy.

Check out my newest project – a FREE online magazine published  twice  monthly  on  substack.com   “The Painted Palazzo”

                  Subscribe for free to access exclusive articles  

Now  1  year  old,  this  on-line  magazine,  published   twice monthly,  has  over  600  subscribers  and  thousands of  viewers. 

Subscriptions  are, and  always  will be,  FREE. Take  a  look  at  the  over  40   articles  now  available  in the  archives….


Be sure to check out  my Youtube channel, audioguides  and  Substack  magazine with over  50   articles about  Italy lifestyle.

Help support  my  work  of  cultural  promotion  by  ordering  copies of my  latest books  about central Italy. 

 New Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5lo4mOZ7g3cGJhYSozi_NA 

Short videos  with travel trips  for central Italy, festivals, castles, Mediterranean ports. Watch, Share, Subscribe

I recently  created  2  Audio Guides- for Viterbo & the  port of Civitavecchia  with  Voicemap, a South African  company

They  are  available   also  through  Viator  and Travel Advisor VM Logo 2

viterbo fountain

“Stories and Secrets of Viterbo”           Independent  self-guided tour of Viterbo.         click on link  to download the app and take the tour

11th  publication “Irlandesi  e Inglesi  nel  Risorgimento”

Italian and English editions    now available 

   10th publication about  central Italy  

Nuova opertina MJ 2019 altro colore

2nd edition of  “Etruria Storie e Segreti”  in italiano -poche copie ancora rimangono  


9th publication  – bilingual   perfect  for  language students and teachers as well as  curious travelers, scholars  and history buffs.

                                       Order your copy  now, cost 10 euro .                                                             quasi  esaurito   -only  a few  copies   left!!copertina Palazzo  Read reviews and more on the Books page.  Order  copies of Etruria Editions’ books here.   USA readers  can  save on international postage  thanks to  a limited supply of books  now  available in USA. Ask for  our USA contact , pay with paypal and receive a copy of “Etruria Travel, History and Itineraries in Central Italy  $15.60.

To order directly from the author just send me  a message  on the  contact page-I answer usually within  24 hours and mail  out  twice a week.

Students, teachers and tour operators use these books to create study abroad programs. Cultured travelers  find them important to enrich their stay in Italy.


Audio guide  of Civitavecchia, port of Rome

Perfect for Cruise passengers  docking in Rome (Civitavecchia) , Livorno, Sorrento and other central Italian towns  for planning shore excursions.  See my Cruise Enrichment page.

While docked in Civitavecchia  try the  new audio guide “Stories and Secrets of Civitavecchia”. Download the app from VM Logo 2


Rome -Civitavecchia  “Stories and Secrets of Civitavecchia”



 Find out more about central Italy on  my “historic” blog 50yearsinItaly.  Just click on the orange tab at the top of the page.